United Kingdom Government

 United Kingdom Economy: There are 3 things that make up the government of the United Kingdom those 3 things are Parliamentary system, constitutional monarchy, and unitary state. the leaders of the government in the United Kingdom are currently Queen Elizabeth II, is the head of state while the prime minister currently Boris Johnson, is the head of government.Ways the economy of the UK makes money is by its fishing and its international trade with other countries. The UK has a really big fishing group they supply 770000 tons of fish yearly. International trade is also very important the UK ranks as the leading nation for trade. They export aerospace equipment, chemicals and pharmaceuticals, foods and beverages, machinery, motor vehicles, and petroleum. 

Covid Impact on economy: they have found the exact number of males and females that have been affected by covid in the UK. There are many dying every day in the united kingdom because of Covid-19. It has been proven in the UK more men are dying than women. 


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