France way of life


What is the way of life in France?

life in France doesn't revolve around work, money, or having the nicest things. French lifestyle is all about savoring the small moments, being in the moment, choosing quality over quantity, and squeezing every last bit of pleasure possible. It's about elevating simple everyday routines into something pleasurable.

How does Coronavirus Impact on Way of Life in France?

More than half of the global population is under strict forms of social distancing, with more than 90 countries in lock down to fight against COVID-19 pandemic. France implemented the lock down from March 17 to May 11, 2020. The aim of this measure is to drastically increase the so-called social distance between individuals to break the chains of transmission and reduce COVID-19 spread. It is an unprecedented measure that was previously implemented only in Italy, Spain, and Austria, following the example of China, to curb the dramatic increase of hospitalizations and admissions to ICU approaching saturation of the healthcare system.

Di Domenico, L., Pullano, G., Sabbatini, C.E. et al. Impact of lockdown on COVID-19 epidemic in Île-de-France and possible exit strategies. BMC Med 18, 240 (2020).


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