Spain's Way of Life


Background of Spain's Way of life

Spain's most common type of food is Seafood and the food can be made in different type's of way. The most popular dish is paella which brings Tomato,Beans,Snails,Vegetables,Chicken,Rabbit,Pork,Seafood,and It's mixed with cooked rice. Most spoken language is Castilian Spanish and some people speak Basque similar to Southern France Provencal another language is Galician related to Portuguese.People from Spain spend their time doing outdoor stuff.Spain's most common religion is Catholic, Muslims, Protestants, and Jews.

Corona Virus Impacting Spain's Economy

Spain's economy is going to struggle to recover because it hit a lot and because of the lock downs.


Daniel, Dombey,Spain’s economy faces long-lasting pandemic drag, warns central bank,Financial Times, September 16,2020,


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