Germany’s Government


Germany’s background government 

In 1990, West Germany’s  constitution, known as the Basic Law, became the basis of the newly reunited Federal Republic of Germany. The government's main bodies and offices include a legislature, a federal chancellor, and a Cabinet. The German legislature has two houses, The Bundestag has hundreds of members and is the more powerful of the two houses. Germany's 16 states are represented at the federal level in the Bundesrat. 

Government response to Covid-19 

In the Corona pandemic, the Federal Government is pushing ahead with the expansion of all-day care in primary schools. An additional 1.5 billion euro will flow into the so-called special federal fund, through which the Länder receive the financial assistance.The Federal Government is providing a total of 750 million euro with the special program for the development of vaccines against Covid-19.


Richards-Wilson, S 2020, 'Germany' , World Book Student, World Book, Chicago, viewed 13 November 2020,


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