Argentina Economy

 Argentina's Economy

In 1900's Argentina was one of the richest countries in the world, but since 1930 Argentina has had economic problems , and today is not longer one of the world's economic giants. The economy was based on agricultural exports and it still remains important but service industries and manufacturing now accounts about 90% of Argentina's gross domestic products (GDP) .

Service Industries - include financial and insurance service , retail trade , transportation , tourism , government service.This accounts about two-thirds of Argentina's GDP.

Manufacturing - Accounts about 15% of Argentina's GDP . Argentina manufactures automobiles , transportation equipment , chemicals , machinery , oil ,and processed food.

Covid-19 impact on Argentina's economy

Nicolas Angelotti's parish had been feeding residents because of the weak economy and unemployment after quarantine was exposed . The jobs have dried up and it is impossible to work from home for those who tends to work in the informal economy.The president and some curas villeros are trying to find a way to solve this problem.


Jokisch, BD, & Milanesio, N 2020, 'Argentina' , World Book Student, World Book, Chicago, viewed 4 November 2020, <>

Agren, David. "GOODNEWS: Priests and parishes in Buenos Aires shantytowns step up response because of coronavirus." America, vol. 222, no. 10, 27 Apr. 2020, p. 17. Gale OneFile: High School Edition Accessed 4 Nov. 2020.


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