Government background France is a republic with a strong national government. Its present government, called the Fifth Republic, has been in effect since 1958. The First Republic was established in 1792. Between 1792 and 1958, the structure of the French government changed a number of times. France's national government has three branches. They are (1) an executive branch headed by a president and a prime minister, (2) a legislative branch consisting of a two-chamber Parliament, and (3) a judicial branch, or system of courts. France's Parliament consists of two houses, the National Assembly and the Senate. The National Assembly consists of 577 deputies, who are elected by the voters for five-year terms, unless an election is called earlier. The president has the power to dissolve the National Assembly and call for new elections. The Senate has 348 members. Senators are elected to six-year terms by r...
Sunni Islam is the most popular religion in Nigeria Nigeria has the largest Muslim population in West Africa.The CIA estimates over 50% of the population is Muslim while the BBC estimated in 2007 that slightly over 50% of the population is Muslim. Muslims in Nigeria are predominantly Sunnis of the Maliki school of thought. Islam was introduced to Nigeria through two geographical routes: North Africa and the Senegalese Basin. The origins of Islam in the country is linked with the development of Islam in the wider West Africa. Trade was the major connecting link that brought Islam into Nigeria. Islam grew in North-East Nigeria, in particular, the Kanem empire as a result of trade between Kanem and Northern African regions of Fezzan , Egypt and Cyrenaica in the eleventh century. Muslim merchants from the North sometimes remained in settlements along trade routes, this merchant class would later preach the ...
Religious Background Catholicism is the largest religious group in Canada. Catholicism spread to Canada through french missionaries and settlers during the early days. Canadians also belong to other christian denominations such as protestantism. The largest denominations are the United Church of Canada and the Anglican Church of Canada; but Baptists, Lutherans, and Presbyterians are large groups as well. The country's other religious groups include Buddhists, Hindus, Jews, Muslims, and Sikhs. Catholicism and Coronavirus Churches in Canada have been closed since regulations due to the outbreak began in March. Many churches have been holding virtual church services for their members. Even as some people are venturing back into the world as things open back up, church attendance is down. Recently the government has instituted new restrictions on church attendance. Gatherings must be limited to 50 people when indoors.When you take into account the volunteers and staf...
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