Greece Way of Life

Acropolis in Athens, Greece

Greece way of life

Greek coffee houses
Most Greek cities consist of both old and modern sections. The old section of a Greek city has low buildings, narrow streets, and few sidewalks. The modern section usually has tall apartment buildings, wide streets, and modern shopping areas. Urban lifestyles in Greece are similar to those in other Western nations. 
Population growth has led to housing shortages in many Greek cities. Industrial growth and the increased use of automobiles have led to problems of urban pollution. In Athens, air pollution poses a health hazard. Polluted air has damaged the city's ancient ruins. Since the 1960s, many rural people have left farms to seek jobs in the cities. As a result, many small farms in the mountains have been abandoned. The Greek diet includes a variety of meats, such as lamb, chicken, pork, and beef. Greeks also eat many fresh vegetables, such as tomatoes, eggplant, and beans.

Greece impact on Covid-19

A general lockdown was implemented early on, and the national Health Care System underwent massive re-structuring. To maintain sufficient care for our patients, while also contributing to the fight against COVID-19, we undertook specific measures. These included provision of telemedicine services, electronic prescriptions and home delivery of medications, isolation of infusion units and IBD clinics in COVID-free zones of the hospitals, in addition to limiting endoscopies to emergencies only.


Baxevanis, John J. "Greece." World Book Advanced, World Book, 2020, Accessed 7 Dec. 2020.

Giorgos Bamias, MD, PhD, Styliani Lagou, MD, MSc, Michalis Gizis, MD, George Karampekos, MD, Konstantinos G Kyriakoulis, MD, Christos Pontas, MD, Gerassimos J Mantzaris, MD, PhD, "The Greek Response to COVID-19: A True Success Story from an IBD Perspective, Inflammatory Bowel Diseases", Volume 26, Issue 8, August 2020, Pages 1144–1148,


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