Greece QoL Data

 Canada Demographic Data

  • Birth Rate - 7.8
  • Death Rate - 12
  • Infant Mortality Rate - 3.7
  • Life expectancy - 81.1
  • Literacy Rate - 97.7%
  • GDP per Capita - $27,800

Canada Quality of Life

The data above shows that Greece has a good quality of life. Low birth and infant mortality rate. Althought Greece has a higher death rate than average (worldwide) it's still pretty good because the life expentancy is still pretty high. A high literacy rate tells me that citizens in Canada have access to public education. The high GDP shows that an stable economy.


“The World Factbook: Canada.” Central Intelligence Agency, Central Intelligence Agency, 1 Feb. 2018,


  1. Your document says Canada which tells me you copied Canada


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