Saudi Arabia Religion


Religion:  There is about a 90% that the Saudi's belong to the religion called, Sunni Branch of Islam. For most part of it, they live in the Eastern Province. The kind of influence Islam family's have are; family relationships, education, and other characteristics in the life of Saudi Arabia. There is a religion police force they have that helps them out with the rules of behavior. This is called Mutawwiin. (An example given in the World Book Student: For example, the mutawwiin ensure that shops close for prayer times and that people on the streets are properly dressed.)


In the  Eastern Province there are 81,829 cases, 85,229 recoveries, 667 deaths. Covid-19 has effected more men than women, which means there is more death cases for men than women. Covid cases are relating more on gender. From February 15 to October 22 covid has raised more than usual. 



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